LPR completes oral rabies vaccination of wildlife

Rabies (or lyssa, or hydrophobia) is a viral disease that causes inflammation of the brain in humans and other mammals. Rabies causes about 56,000 human deaths worldwide per year.

Lugansk People’s Republic veterinaries and foresters have completed the spring vaccination of carnivores against rabies, having placed baits across 930 square kilometres of forest and hunting areas, the LPR State Veterinary Medicine Service (GSVM) reported.

"The GSVM, together with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Safety carried out oral vaccination of wildlife against rabies in forestries on a total area of more than 933 square kilometres, with 20 to 25 vaccine-filled sachets per square kilometre,” the report said.

“Reference points were determined to assess bait palatability, which reached 99 percent. It will protect wildlife for at least a year,” the GSVM said.

In 2020, the GSVM and Natural Resources Ministry distributed 29,000 oral vaccines against rabies in forestland.*i*t

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