Civilian wounded, infrastructure damaged in Kiev attack on Privolye

Kiev forces shelled Privolye, a satellite settlement of Lisichansk on Monday evening, wounding one person and damaging civil infrastructure, said Lisichansk Acting Mayor Andrey Skory.
“A school came under fire: nearly 80 percent of its windows were smashed, and three houses burnt down in overnight attack by Ukrainian fascists,” Skory said.
One civilian was wounded in shelling, and 1,500 customers were left without gas supply because of a damaged gas pipe.
“There was no military in the school; we’ve just installed windows there; Ukrainian nationalists strike at children,” the mayor said adding that damage control was underway.
Privolye residents said that Ukrainian forces fired at the civilian population and that this district had no military facilities.
The official in charge of Privolye vital infrastructure said that Ukrainian artillery fired 15 rounds at the settlement.*i*v

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